Designer Talks: You!
Welcome back to TwsitedSpoon Studio! It's been a hell of a year, let me tell you. Or better yet, I'll let you tell me. Well, maybe not about Coronavirus, but about your game design journey. This week, I'm interviewing you! Even if you don't share your answers, it can still be fun to think about the questions and reflect on your own experience. Here are the questions, and to start the dialogue, I've included my own answers as well: How long have you been making games professionally? How long have you made games recreationally? "Professional" is aspirational for me, which is one of the reasons why this blog exists. Recreationally, I've been making games since I was a kid, with more serious efforts starting my sophomore year of college, back in 2016. What medium do you design/develop for? (Tabletop, digital, mobile, etc.) What tools and software do you use regularly? I've developed tabletop games ranging from board games to card games to RPGs, an...