About Us

    Welcome to TwistedSpoon Studio! If you're interested in tabletop game design and want to see inside the brain of another designer, you're in the right place. This blog is an open journal where yours truly, notKingCole, shares insights into the design process, tips and tricks, and concrete examples from games I'm working on.

    Our content comes in three flavors:

  • Monday Musings: Thoughts on game design topics ranging from workflow, to balance, to analysis of published games
  • Workshop Wednesday: Custom Magic: the Gathering designs, with in-depth discussions of the processes that produced them
  • FUR Friday: Progress reports on my personal project, Festival of Urbestia-- the custom Magic set starring beast folk of all shapes and sizes
    You can pitch in to the discussions too! Feel free to use the comments at the bottom, or share your thoughts on our subreddit here. You can also contact me directly via the Contact Us widget below, or via mod mail on the subreddit.


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