[ANNOUNCEMENT] Looking for Players

    Welcome back to TwistedSpoon Studio! Mondays are for Musings, and this week it's a hot one. Games are made to be played, so the only way to know if it's any good is to play it. Preferably a lot. Like, a lot a lot. So how do you make that happen? How do you get anyone, let alone a lot of people, to play an unfinished game?

    Well, my answer is, I don't know. Playtesting has been a huge stumbling block for me in the past, and is one of the main reasons that I've never tackled a project like this one before. So in classic TwistedSpoon Studio spirit, why don't we learn together? I'm going to try something, and we'll find out if it works. Are you ready?

    This Saturday, January 29th, at 12pm Central/1pm Eastern, we're opening up play testing for Festival of Urbestia! The format will be Pauper Sealed:

  • Players will receive six packs of commons from Festival of Urbestia via Planesculptors.
  • Build a deck with a minimum of 40 cards from their pool in Cockatrice.
    • Players are encouraged to use the "Two-of" rule. This is not mandatory. (When debating between playing the second copy of a card that you've played before, versus the first copy of a card you haven't played yet, you are encouraged to play with the latter.
  • Find games in the pinned Live Chat on Reddit at r/TwistedSpoonStudio. (LFP Live Chat will go up on Friday.)
  • After playing, share feedback with a brief survey to get rewards, including:
    • Play-for-Play (I'll test your set/game)
    • Shout outs on the blog
    • Design slots in the set
    • A $25 gift card (raffle)

    In order to playtest, you'll need a) a copy of the set file, which will be released later this week; b) Cockatrice to play; and c) Planesculptors to receive your pool. You may use the same pool for multiple rounds, or get a new pool after each round. For an idea of what to expect during gameplay, check out the Draft Archetypes here.

    Play testing will run from Saturday, January 29th at 12pm C, until Saturday, February 26th. There will be updates throughout on r/TwistedSpoonStudio, so stay posted! 


See you soon!



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