Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Analysis Postponed

     Welcome back to TwistedSpoon Studio! Monday is when we talk about game design, and this week, we're talking Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty!

    Except we're not doing it today because, well, life gets in the way. It was ambitious to try to put up the set analysis before the set was sortable and searchable in Gatherer. NEO is a chunky set with a lot going on under the hood, so I really want to do it justice. 

    That being said, I have other obligations that prevented me from giving this set the time it deserves this week. So what we're going to do is a two-parter. Part one is going up on Wednesday, and it'll be the format that you're used to-- discussing the themes, ASFANs and breakdowns of all the major mechanics, comparisons to other set mechanics, et cetera. Part two will drop next Monday, with a much meatier mathematical breakdown of all the moving parts. 

    Thank you all for understanding, and I'm sorry for dropping the ball on this one. We're going to scale back the pace a bit to avoid situations like this in the future. More on that soon, so stay tuned. Until then, I fixed the champions of Kamigawa analysis (you guys gotta tell me when my shit is busted, y'all), so consider checking that out here

    See you soon!


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