Urbestia : Common Set Skeleton

Code    Description
CC01    Creature - Vibrant
CW01    Creature - p<=1 matters
CW02    Creature - vibrant trigger - first strike
CW03    Creature - flying, ally bounce
laughing fox - lifelink
CW05 Labrador - disenchant effect
CW06 Creature - vibrant trigger
CW07 Creature - vibrant - token making
CW08 Tortoise - vigilance, crafting
CW09 Creature - flying, vibrant
CW10 Pack leader - vibrant - team pump
CW11 Creature 
CW12 Creature
CW13 Small Removal
CW14 Pacifism effect
CW15 destroy large/tapped creature
CW16 Cat-like reflexes - combat trick + indestructible
CW17 Positive aura/equipment
CW18 Anything
CW19 Trinket cycle
CU01 Creature - crafting - p<=1 matters
CU02 Clever Fox - flash, relicfall - disruption
CU03 Curious Cat- evasive
CU04 Chameleon - ward, vibrant 
CU05 Greyhound - relicfall - tempo
CU06 Creature - flying, crafting
CU07 Creature - eqp'd creatures matter
CU08 Creature - attack restriction (relicfall)
CU09 Creature - flying
CU10 Defender - relicfall - looting
CU11 Hard counter 
CU12 Soft counter - mana leak/force spike
CU13 Lockdown effect
CU14 Card draw (no more than 3)
CU15 Cantrip/card filtering
CU16 Symmetrical Bounce
CU17 In Sheep's Clothing-- crafting + hexproof
CU18 Freeze
CU19 Trinket cycle
CB01 Creature - p<=1 matters
CB02 Artifact Creature - treasure
CB03 Creature - deathtouch
CB04 Fox thief - Audacious thief
CB05 Lone Wolf - vibrant - finisher removal
CB06 King snake - crafting death trigger
CB07 Bulldog - Lifelink, menace
CB08 Creature - Flash
CB09 Creature 
CB10 Creature - flying
CB11 Hard removal
CB12 Small removal
CB13 Anything
CB14 Treasure - weak removal
CB15 Bitter Revelation-style card draw
CB16 Defender -  graveyard return (artifact or creature)
CB17 Hand attack or discard
CB18 Nine lives - death trigger aura
CB19 Trinket Cycle
CR01 Creature - P<=1 matters, haste
CR02 Chihuahua - crafting
CR03 Creature - orcish vandal
CR04 Wildcat -  sac trigger - trample
CR05 Quick Fox - haste, vibrant
CR06 Creature - crafting - reach
CR07 Komodo Dragon - sac trigger buff
CR08 Creature - crafting, eqp matter
CR09 Big bad wolf - Menace, stun
CR10 Creature - first strike
CR11 Artifact sacrifice Bolt - any target
CR12 Other direct damage
CR13 Steal effct/inefficient direct damage
CR14 Team pum (p>t)/land destruction
CR15 Cantrip/Card filtering (usu. Rummaging)
CR16 Positive aura/equipment
CR17 Combat trick - eqp matter
CR18 Stun/shatter effect/dd to player
CR19 Trinket cycle
CG01 Creature - p<=1 matters
CG02 Creature - Vibrant trigger
CG03 Creature - Ramp
CG04 Mastiff - trample - Vibrant
CG05 Wise Fox - Cantrip
CG06 Creature - vigilance
CG07 Creature - Vibrant Trigger
CG08 Tree Frog - deathtouch, reach
CG09 Big Cat - Flash, haste
CG10 Creature - Vibrant - naturalize
CG11 Creature - trample, Vibrant - fight
CG12 Fight/Bite
CG13 p/t pumping (usu. Instant)
CG14 combat trick
CG15 cantrip/card filtering - moon howl
CG16 positive aura/equipment
CG17 anti-flying
CG18 Ramp
CG19 Trinket cycle
CA01 Creature - crafting
CA02 Creature - flying
CA03 Equipment-- Mask
CA04 Food treasure


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