FUR: Vision Design, Pt I: Tribes
Open you eyes... what do you see? Is it... A vision? Welcome back, beast folk! Last week, we started worldbuilding for FUR, a custom Magic set about a world of anthropomorphic creatures. We established that medieval wolf folk, Chinese fox folk, Greek dog folk, Celtic cat folk, and Arabian scale folk gather in the neutral City of the Five to partake in a cultural festival each year. This week, we're officially starting the first of the three stages of design. So, what is Vision Design? This is where we're going to establish the goals of the set in terms of emotional impact and gameplay feel. At the end of this stage, we'll have most of the mechanics and archetypes, as well as a set skeleton-- a rough draft of the final product. If you want to read more about vision design, check out Mark Rosewater's article here . At Wizards, this stage takes four months, and there's a lot of playtesting, with broad change...